Η ADES θα εγκαταστήσει στην Ταρασόνα κέντρο παραγωγής και διανομής ηλιοστατών και ανεμογεννητριών
The arrival of this company, which will invest 3.3 million euros in its new installations, will bring about the creation of 50 direct jobs.
The minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Aragon, Arturo Aliaga, the mayor of Tarazona, Luis María Beamonte, and the managing director of ADES, Manuel Lahuerta, have signed a collaboration agreement which states the terms of the installation by this company of a centre for production and distribution of solar trackers and eolic turbines in the city of Tarazona.
The arrival of ADES in Tarazona will involve an investment of 3.3 million euros and the creation of 50 direct jobs in the first year of activity, a figure which could increase in later phases. To locate its new installations, the company already has a plot of land of more than 20,000 square metres in the SEPES industrial park of Tarazona, where it will initially build a 6,000-square metre plant for the manufacture and assembly of its patented solar tracker – including the work of cutting and welding sheet metal – and the production of its new eolic turbine, currently in development phase. This plant will be in operation before the end of 2008.
Throughout this process, ADES has received the technical support of the Aragonese Institute of Promotion through the DIVERSIA programme – aimed at diversifying the economic fabric of the Autonomous Community with the attraction of industrial investments – and of the Tarazona City Council.
ADES is a totally Aragonese company founded in 1992 and dedicated to the research, development and subsequent manufacture of systems for the utilization of renewable energies. Its headquarters are in La Puebla de Alfindén (Zaragoza); it has a staff of 60 persons – although indirectly, it provides employment to more than 200 - and its own research and development department made up of highly qualified personnel who are in charge of developing and patenting its products worldwide – products which are characterized by high technology.
Among its line of products are a pendular aerogenerator, an inertial eolic turbine with numerous applications, dredging equipment, hydraulic microturbines or solar trackers, which are structures capable of holding photovoltaic or solar panels to which they provide the mobililty necessary to carry out solar tracking.
ADES began to commercialize its solar trackers in 2004, and with its own patent and the most advanced technological solution in the market in its favour, it has become the largest supplier of double-shaft solar trackers on the Iberian Peninsula, having already assembly more than 4,000 and a significant order book.
ADES, with a turnover of more than 35 million euros in 2007 and which expects to close 2008 with a turnover of 75 million, is now starting its internationalization process, establishing itself in the Italian market, which, like own, offers optimal prospects for growth.
Monday, 21/7/2008
Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism