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Nuova società di ADES in Colombia

      Recently, the company from Aragon, Aplicaciones de Energías Sustitutivas – ADES – and the Colombian company De Bedout Resources Oil and Mining Ltda. - DEBROM - have formed a new Simplified Limited Liability company called ADES DEBROM ENERGY COLOMBIA S.A.S. – ADEC S.A.S.  - of Colombian nationality, with its registered business address in Bogotá for the development of new cutting-edge projects in renewable energies that are being implemented in Colombia.


      ADES, following its success in recent years in the renewable energy business, in which the company from Zaragoza has obtained a turnover of over 70 million euros with its own patents, and after the international expansion of its technology, has in recent months entered South America where it is developing several energy projects for generating electricity using sustainable resources.


      The new company is also comprised of DEBROM Ltda, based in the United Kingdom and Colombia, which began operations in 1992 as a consultancy company for exploration and natural resources management. During the early years of its operations, these were focused on oil and coal, but at the beginning of this decade, it took a new direction into Bio Diesel and Ethanol, as well as thermal energy power production. Today, it has the objective of finding renewable solutions from solar energy, wind turbines and the movement of waves in the sea.


      The new company will manufacture and market the 3 most innovative products that ADES has patented for the international market. The TORQUE COMPENSATED WIND TURBINE, which already has several projects underway in Colombia, the BUILDING CLADDING ENERGY STRUCTURE, with advantageous features for tropical countries and the TRANSPORTABLE POWER STATION, which has 4 models from 10 to 70 kW of power.


      ADEC S.A.S. will develop its marketing activity in 18 countries on the American continent: Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Dutch and British Guiana, Ecuador, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the West Indies, except for those of French influence, Trinidad and Tobago.


      The implementation of these innovative products in the countries mentioned above, will provide quality energy and electricity in areas where there is no electricity grid in good condition. Moreover, these projects and their future results will help towards sustainable energy development, as well as towards the economic and social development of the population.