Presentazione delle Nuove centrali energetiche trasportabili
ADES reached a great success at Intersolar Munich with the presentation of the new range of Portable Power Stations (PPS).
The PPS represents a solution for long-term electricity supply through the capture, storage and supply of energy immediately and sustainably to any part of the planet. These trailers combine the capture of different renewable energy sources and integrate a battery array and a power generator to ensure a constant supply.
Created for being self-sufficient units, it is possible to choose between 100% renewable generation or mixed generation: these PPS become an optimum renewable replacing solution to standard power generators, through saving an important quantity of diesel and CO2 emissions.
These products are aimed to give an answer to the 2 billon people around the world having no access to electricity, 80% of those living in isolated areas. The lack of electricity slows down the economical and social development of the inhabitants, causing poverty and the drift from the land making a big trouble for developing countries.
Covering power ranges from 10 to 70 kW, there are 4 different versions of PPS. With the aim of making available the PPS to every user, ADES wants to establish one worldwide distribution network.