About Us
TEMPERO GROUP is a technological Spanish engineering firm, which aims at developing solutions that encourage the rational and efficient use of renewable energy in the world, providing innovative solutions to specific problems developing new technologies to help achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Vision: To be worldwide leaders in providing the society with easy, economic and sustainable access to water and energy.
Mission: To supply water and energy with our own robust, reliable, economic and easy-to-operate-and-maintain Tempero technologies.
Values: “Know How” client and market oriented, Agility to develop new technologies needs, dynamic, entrepreneurial and integrity team, Tenacity in delivery and pursuing objectives, Commitment with the future of the society.
Tempero was established in 2009 in order to exploit and commercialize the intellectual property developed by D. Manuel Lahuerta in the fields of energy and water. Since then, new patents have been generated, which have application not only at national level but also, have been extended to countries where can be applied in a profitable way.
You can download a presentation of our company by clicking here.