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Why a new design?

It is a well-known fact that wind energy has been used from early times, especially as an aid to navigation. At present, modern wind turbines transform this energy into electricity and transfer it to the grid.



However, their lacks of continuity and, in particular, its lack of evenness in intensity and direction have negative effects for both the turbines and the stability of the electrical system to which they are connected.


Current wind turbine technology, the design of which is based on the Danish model (three windward blades), solves these problems by sizing the structures to resist these loads and governing the machines with active regulation and control servosystems that are capable of overcoming natural phenomena to limits recommended by safety and supported by available expense.

And so?


Therefore, one of the main goals of our design is to eliminate these stiffnesses by using systems that can compensate, accumulate and reinstate these variations, preventing them from affecting the evenness of generator rotation and subsequently attenuating power peaks and structural overload.


Building machines that suffer less fatigue, including mechanisms that provide them with a higher degree of freedom by using the wind force that makes the machine suffer to protect it by accommodating to new balanced operational positions (passive systems), is the philosophy behind our designs.