An intelligent distributed generation energy network (IDGN) is a system formed by some or all of the following elements: generators, consumers and storage elements, connected to the electricity grid at a single point. The network may produce surplus energy, or may be insufficient for its own requirements. Depending on its configuration, its energy balance can be managed by the Network Management System (GeMi) to optimise its interaction with the electricity grid and achieve the maximum economic results for users of the system. To do this, many different parameters must be taken into account in real time, from instantaneous consumption to power generation, including forecasts of these items, and also the status of storage systems, their life cycles, the saturation levels of the internal networks, transmission limits, etc.
A Supervisor System for Network Management Systems (SuGeMi) is a system that oversees several Network Management Systems of different types, located in different geographical locations and interconnected via the electricity grid, in order to optimise the energy balances of the group and maximise profit. To this end, it is proposed that the SuGeMi might pay a “toll” to the distributor for the use of the existing electricity infrastructure. The process requires taking into account the status of all of the individual IDGNs, the interconnecting lines and their thermal limits, the instantaneous prices of energy, the toll tariff, etc.
The service provided by the GeMi’s and the SuGeMi open the way to a new business concept and to a transformation of the energy sector similar to that which has occurred in the telecommunications sector.