GEBE Project
This project is financed by the INNPACTO program, with a total budget of more than two and a half million Euros. INNPACTO finances cooperative public/private R&D&i projects involving research organisations and businesses and oriented towards exploitable products based on demand.
The following companies collaborate in INNPACTO: INYCOM (Instrumentación y Componentes); ADES (Aplicaciones de Energías Sustitutivas); CEDER-CIEMAT; the CIRCE Foundation (Centre for the Investigation of Resources and Consumption of Energy); and the National Centre for Experimentation of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies.
The main objective of the project is to design, construct and test an intelligent system for the management of energy networks with distributed generation, interconnected via the electricity grid, for the purpose of optimising energy flows in accordance with economic parameters.
This objective is applied at three levels:
- An intelligent distributed generation energy network (IDGN)
- A management system for networks with Intelligent Distributed Generation (GeMi)
- A Supervisor system for the management systems for energy networks with Intelligent Distributed Generation (SuGeMi)