Modular ADES system
For these reasons, ADES has developed a novel modular system that is capable of delivering power supplies from hundreds of kilowatts up to several megawatts, generated on a real time basis, with the advantages that all this entails and even more if it is used based on renewable and native energy sources. In other words, making use of the resources in the area (hydraulic, wind and solar energy).
A diesel generator support system is included for continuous supply, although the management of the overall system tends to make it operate as little as possible. As will be seen further on, if the orography is appropriate, a water resource is available and there is the possibility of building two reservoirs at different elevations to accumulate by pumping and to turbine to generate electric energy during peak hours, this support by the power generating set may be replaced by a hydraulic turbine, leading to one hundred percent ecological and renewable energy.
To improve the efficiency of the kit, ADES also contributes its experience in the design and manufacturing of the equipment units that are capable of capturing energy from renewable resources:
- Solar Trackers with two axis orientation orientation system.
- Wind Turbines with novel systems for damping gusts of wind, steering,... which allow for better quality energy to be obtained.
- Hydraulic Turbines for small water drops and water currents.
- Regulation and Control Systems of the set of equipment units.