ADES at MIECF 2011_31st March - 2nd April
The ADES single-bladed wind turbine will be presented to the Chinese market at the Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition in Macao from 31st March to 2nd April 2011.
You can find us at the European Pavilion in Hall A of the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel.
ADES offers a wide range of wind turbines between 100 kW and 2 MW. Currently, the new turbines have already been tested in Spain and are available for sale.
The ADES wind turbine compensates, accumulates and reinstates the speed variations caused by wind gusts, with three passive mechanical systems that mitigate the power peaks and structural overloads.
The new wind turbine is ideal for isolated generation, intelligent microgrids, facilities that need constant supply of mechanical energy (pumping, desalination...), engine support for reducing consumption, turbulent wind flows, wind farms repowering taking advantage of existing infrastructure, and of course new wind farms.